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The Hayek Foundation (Moscow)

Capitalism XXI project
The Hayek Foundation Moscow was registered 12/3/2002 under #1027717008901. Its web-site is http://www.hayek.ru
The Hayek Foundation is an international, non-profit, non-partisan organization that relies on private contributions, grants and remuneration for services rendered to other organizations. The Foundation is an NGO and is not subsidized by government agencies.
To meet the objectives outlined in its charter the Hayek Foundation has drawn up the Capitalism XXI project designed for a long term and made up of several parts. The Foundation trustees approved the project at a meeting on 14 January 2003. Yuri Petukhov, the Foundation Executive Director, is responsible for the project execution.
Capitalism XXI is established
- to promote capitalism as a social order;
- to join in the Celebrate Capitalism campaign scheduled for 7 December 2003;
- to teach the young people the basics of classical and modern liberalism throughout the pre-university, university and post-university cycle;
- to establish "Chairs for Hayek Studies" at colleges and universities;
- to set up an association of the heads of the "Chairs for Hayek Studies" to coordinate research and education;
- to equip classical liberalism classrooms at secondary schools with portraits of prominent scholars and public figures, teaching aids, to teach methodology to secondary school educators, to provide computers and other indispensable technical facilities to departments and schools;
- to publish an electronic version of the Capitalism XXI journal of commentary and analysis;
- to translate and publish Friedrich von Hayek and Ludwig von Mises's books;
- to prepare a television broadcast "The Chairs for Hayek Studies";
- to organize publications to advance a vision of capitalism as a free society in other media outlets;
- to put on conferences and do consulting work;
- to put on other events of the Learn to Live under Capitalism campaign.
At present we have wound up the period of preparation to the Capitalism XXI project. Following is the work performed:
The foundation has developed, registered and operates website: http://www.capitalismXX1.ru
It publishes the Capitalism XXI journal electronically in Russian. Yuri Petukhov, the foundation's Executive Director, is accredited as chief coordinator of the Celebrate Capitalism campaign in Moscow and he has registered the http://Moscow.CelebrateCapitalism.ORG site to cover the observance of Celebrate Capitalism in Moscow. Jointly with the Heritage Foundation Moscow office the foundation put on a conference "Cancun WTO Meeting and Russia", devoted to the global Freedom to Trade campaign. These events have been unprecedented in Russia and are genuinely innovative.
The foundation offers consulting assistance to accredit chief coordinators of Celebrate Capitalism in other Russian cities, as well as in Slovakia, Ukraine, and Byelarus. The foundation has concluded agreements with a number of universities in Moscow to establish chairs for Hayek studies and classical liberalism classes for high school and university students. The foundation has signed agreements with other public policy organizations and institutions (i.e. Open Russia, The Foundation for the Development of Parliamentarism in Russia, International Pedagogic Academy etc.) to collaborate in carrying out the Capitalism XXI project. This collaboration allows to set and measure high standards of putting capitalist ideas across in Russia and provides adequate outside review and consumer feedback.
Media potential.
The Foundation has disseminated information about the Capitalism XXI magazine and Celebrate Capitalism in Moscow by email to nearly 6,000 Russian periodicals and publishing houses across the country. The Foundation has received a host of letters from the media outlets of over 100 cities in response to the invitation to join in the Celebrate Capitalism campaign in Russia. The foundation has signed collaboration agreements with an array of newspapers and magazines.
The Hayek Foundation Moscow can report success in implementing the preparatory phase of the project. Today it has all the legal instruments necessary to perform active international activities - registration papers, banking accounts, communications, office facilities, qualified personnel possessing academia experience to carry out analytical work. The foundation's main papers are posted on www.hayek.ru.
The review of its first-year performance shows convincingly that systematic knowledge of classical and new liberalism and the Capitalism XXI journal are in unrequited demand in Russia. Practice also shows that the Hayek Foundation Moscow is Russia's only institution to market the ideas of modern liberal capitalism.
Once the Capitalism XXI project is underway it will allow to systematize the experience accumulated by Western democracies and use it as the groundwork for drawing up recommendations for Russia's legislative and executive bodies to develop a competitive market economy and incorporate Russia in the community of free nations.
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Capitalism XXI Magazine™
Copyright © 2002-2004 The Hayek Foundation (Moscow). All rights reserved.
Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited.
E-mail: petuchov@rambler.ru
E-mail: hayek@hayek.ru
E-mail: capitalismXX1@capitalismXX1.ru
E-mail: Moscow@CapitalismWorldwide.ORG