Find out about our flag, SARA
SARA flag flying in Melbourne, Australia, on International Capitalism Day
The Hayek Foundation (Moscow)

THE HERITAGE FOUNDATION http://www.heritage.org/
LUDWIG VON MISES INSTITUTE http://www.mises.org/
MONT PELERIN SOCIETY http://www.montpelerin.org/
HAYEK SOCIETY (LSE) http://www.hayek.org.uk/
STOCKHOLM NETWORK http://www.stockholm-network.org/
THE PHILADELPHIA SOCIETY http://www.townhall.com/phillysoc
LIBERALES INSTITUT http://www.libinst.ch/
NADACIA F.A.HAYEKA http://www.hayek.sk/
"PROTEXARMS" http://www.protexarms.com/
Endorsed Links
The following links are the ONLY authorized links for the campaign.
The following links are the ONLY authorized links for the campaign.
American Ideals
Discussion Forum
. Our official pro Capitalism moderated discussion forum. Challenging, educational, great fun! Covers politics, philosophy, and current affairs, especially as they relate to liberty issues. Upholds the founding principles of America.
Internet Radio
Listen to lively interviews with outstanding individuals from all over the world exploring Science, Philosophy, Art, Inventions, Business, Lateral thinking, and much more! The world's foremost pro Capitalism radio show.
Capitalism Worldwide™
Online Magazine
. Read all the news, views, and adventures from the world's #1 global activist network!
Encyclopedia of Creative Heroes™
. Creative individuals throughout history. Entrepreneurs, inventors, scientists, artists. As well as their life and work, the link between freedom and human creativity is explored.
Discover Capitalism™
Join or start up your own Discover Capitalism™ Bureau. Speakers, discussions, study groups, workshops, debates, training
Artists Celebrate Capitalism™
All pro Capitalism Artists welcome. Whether fulltime professionals or part-time amateurs. Including: Painters, Film makers, Sculptors, Dancers, Choreographers, Playwrights, Novelists, Story tellers, Acrobats, Photographers, Poets, Songwriters, Singers, Rockers, Illustrators, Theater Directors, Musicians, etc. Also: those who provide support services for Artists, such as: Agents, Promoters, Managers, Venue operators, Recording studios, etc.
- Celebrate Self Forum A forum for personal development and daily inspiration for supporters of Capitalism. Based on some of the ideas found in Andrew Bernstein's novel, Heart of a Pagan: The Story of Swoop.
Double Blue Ribbon Project
A world atlas of Double Blue Ribbon sites - Sites that have a special symbolic significance with Capitalism, freedom, or human creativity.
The Big Seven
Information and educational projects based around the life and work of the campaign's "official" thinkers.- Discover Aristotle
- Discover Adam Smith
- Discover John Locke
- Discover Frederic Bastiat
- Discover Ludwig Von Mises
- Discover Ayn Rand
- Discover Thomas Jefferson & The American Founding Fathers
Rational Voice™ Project
The Rational Voice™ Project has an initial goal of training and supporting 100 new, pro capitalism radio presenters/interviewers around the world with their own show. Rational Voice™ shows do not need to be confined to political or philosophical issues. But all Rational Voice™ presenters need to at least include some degree of positive, pro capitalism content in their shows from time to time.
PRODOS Institute Inc.
Non-profit enterprise dedicated to the advancement of global freedom, invention, and prosperity through creative, grassroots projects. Has no affilliation with any political, religious or ideological organizations. The PRODOS Institute is the creator and coordinator of Celebrate Capitalism™ and owner of the Celebrate Capitalism™ trademark.
- iLOVEprodos.COM T-shirts, stickers, merchandise, freebies, and business opportunities. The official PRODOS Institute merchandise, freebies, and business opportunities page.
Non-Endorsed Links
Any links to non-endorsed websites from this website or from any other Celebrate Capitalism™ website go through the Linkbuffer Please note: Because a website or organization is 'Non-endorsed' does NOT in any way imply any sort of criticism or suggest any sort of inadequacy. To read more about our No Links - No Endorsements policy click here
Worldwide rallies, concerts, debates, street parties, workshops, fun and festivities!

Celebrate Capitalism™


The PRODOS Institute Inc. PO Box 2165, Richmond South VIC 3121, Australia.
Phone/Fax: + 613 9428 1234. Email: prodos@CapitalismWorldwide.ORG

Capitalism XXI Magazine™
Copyright © 2002-2004 The Hayek Foundation (Moscow). All rights reserved.
Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited.
E-mail: petuchov@rambler.ru
E-mail: hayek@hayek.ru
E-mail: capitalismXX1@capitalismXX1.ru
E-mail: Moscow@CapitalismWorldwide.ORG