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SARA flag flying in Melbourne, Australia, on International Capitalism Day
"Every individual necessarily labors to render the annual revenue of society as great as he can. He generally neither intends to promote the public interest, nor knows how much he is promoting it...He intends only his own gain, and he is, in this, as in many other cases, led by an invisible hand to promote an end which was not part of his intention. Nor is it always the worse for the society that it was no part of it. By pursuing his own interest he frequently promotes that of the society more effectually than when he really intends to promote it. I have never known much good done by those who affected to trade for the public good."
Adam Smith
MOSCOW – 2005
«For the love of freedom! And the glory of human creativity!»

Worldwide rallies, concerts, debates, awards, street parties, workshops, fun
and festivities!

Please support free trade, profit, money, free speech, technology, creativity, private property, individual rights, rule of law, innovation, human dignity and happiness! Sign up now for PLANET, the Celebrate Capitalism™ worklist for Coordinators and supporters And please let others know.
Here are a few of my personal favorites:
"If history could teach us anything, it would be that private property is inextricably linked with civilization."
Ludwig von Mises
"The first condition for the establishment of perpetual peace is the general adoption of the principles of laissez-faire capitalism"
Ludwig von Mises
"The worst evils which mankind has ever had to endure were inflicted by bad governments. The state can be and has often been in the course of history the main source of mischief and disaster."
Ludwig von Mises
"People can consume only what has been produced. The great problem of our age is precisely this: Who should determine what is to be produced and consumed, the people or the State, the consumers themselves or a paternal government?"
Ludwig von Mises
"The political concept of the individual's freedom means: freedom from arbitrary action on the part of the police power."
Ludwig von Mises
"The main political problem is how to prevent the police power from becoming tyrannical. This is the meaning of all the struggles for liberty."
Ludwig von Mises
"The state can be and has often been in the course of history the main source of mischief and disaster."
Ludwig von Mises
"The worst evils which mankind has ever had to endure were inflicted by bad governments."
Ludwig von Mises
MOSCOW – 2004
On 3 December 2004 The Heritage Foundation (Moscow) and The International
Friedrich von Hayek Foundation (Moscow) put on a meeting devoted to capitalism’s
in Russia. There was a significant participation of some 40 politicians,
experts, journalists, and businessmen. Yevgeny Volk, Coordinator of Heritage’s
office, President of The International Hayek Foundation (Moscow) and Yuri
Petukhov, Chief Coordinator («C1» Moscow http://CelebrateCapitalism.ORG), The
Hayek Foundation’s
Executive Director and Vice-President addressed the meeting with opening
Konstantin Mukulsky, Director of the International Institute for Social Development and Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, made a key presentation. He gave a detailed description of the current status and the prospects for capitalist development in Russia. He maintained that capitalism in Russia cannot be described in Marxist terms, like «bandit capitalism», «the initial-accumulation-of-capital stage», etc. Russia possesses postsocialist capitalism established by the socialist nomenklatura to serve its own ends. As a result, there emerged a state bureaucratic capitalism far removed from free-market ideals.

Russia’s capitalism today lacks any sort of an ideological basis for political and economic development. The Russian leadership needs an idea capable of steering the country toward either democratic or anti-democratic development. The strategic vision does not overstep the bounds of seeking the enemy or proclaiming a superpower status.
The speaker underscored his lack of faith in the powers of intellectuals as an engine of Russia’s civilized progress toward democracy and a free-market economy. Intellectuals are weak and separated. It is business can and should assume responsibility for the situation in the country.

Russian experts are not uniform in their understanding of what has already been accomplished and what is yet to be accomplished in Russia. Polls indicate a huge assessment gap in conjunction with the issue. Around one fourth of the Russian populace stand for a streamlined socialism, a little over 20 percent call for a combination of capitalist and socialist traits, and only 12 percent declare for a Western-type capitalism. In fact, society retains the Soviet model of the elite-business interaction based on the diktat of the powers that be.
The meeting participants emphasized that capitalism in Russia is yet to arrive. Futile debate as to where Russia belongs – the West or the East - is still ongoing. Myths of Eurasionism persist, and the elite cannot achieve an adequate self-identification.
But Russia is definitely a European country and belongs to the European civilization. In terms of the Hellenic-Roman cultural delimitation, however, Russia historically gravitates to fundamental knowledge, in a typically Hellenic way. This sets it apart from Western European civilizations targeted at specific, technological solutions and objectively shapes up its niche.

The discussion also focused on the need to improve corporate governance in Russia. Business transparency is a requisite condition for Russia’s making headway toward this end. Business’ social responsibility, which the Russian authorities refer to so much, should imply civilized process of corporate conflict settlement rather than extortion of money from entrepreneurs to fund government projects and agencies. The Joint-Stock Companies Act is among the examples of a successful parliament-business interaction in drafting legislation that regulates corporate governance.
The discussion participants concluded that it is early days for capitalism in Russia to be viewed as a fait accompli. The concept itself in application to our country should be specified with regard to today’s realities.
Discussion participants entertained no illusions that Russia could achieve a fast-track and effective transition to capitalism and raise its living standards any time soon. The «muzzle» of the state capitalism would peep out in both economics and public life and articulate concrete decisions in domestic and foreign policy for a long time to come.

Such was this not especially optimistic mood, with which Russian advocates
of economic freedom hailed the Celebrate Capitalism Day http://CelebrateCapitalism.ORG marked on 5 December 2004 in Moscow.
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- Celebrate Self Forum A forum for personal development and daily inspiration for supporters of Capitalism. Based on some of the ideas found in Andrew Bernstein's novel, Heart of a Pagan: The Story of Swoop.
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The Big Seven
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- Discover Adam Smith
- Discover John Locke
- Discover Frederic Bastiat
- Discover Ludwig Von Mises
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- Discover Thomas Jefferson & The American Founding Fathers
Rational Voice™ Project
The Rational Voice™ Project has an initial goal of training and supporting 100 new, pro capitalism radio presenters/interviewers around the world with their own show. Rational Voice™ shows do not need to be confined to political or philosophical issues. But all Rational Voice™ presenters need to at least include some degree of positive, pro capitalism content in their shows from time to time.
PRODOS Institute Inc.
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E-mail: hayek@hayek.ru
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