Find out about our flag, SARA
SARA flag flying in Melbourne, Australia, on International Capitalism Day
Russia does not possess an own "third" or "purely Russian way" of development that is not capitalist in either American or Western European sense. Russia is a part of Western Christian civilization. And society development laws, according to the experience accumulated throughout the XX century, are no different there than in other Western nations. I propose that we discount an array of transient phenomena like irresolution of national bourgeoisie, bureaucratized economic life, fanaticism, national intolerance, increasingly prominent state-run military-bureaucratic ideology, as well as the heroic pathos of the very poor in combating Western (American) mercenary spirit.
20th Century Socialism: Contradictions & Poverty
Back in the XX century the world at large observed the progress of socialism in Russia, on whose territory reigned a contradiction:
- On the one hand, manufacture of goods, the law of value and monetary circulation.
- On the other hand, the sphere of circulation, exchange and distribution where the state was the middleman for providing social justice on the basis on the non-monetary equivalent exchange.
In the Soviet Union the Soviet power through sheer military force realized the dream of many generations of Utopians to build an "enclosed commercial state" (Fichte). The Soviets reduced complicated labor to simple labor. They introduced a non-monetary calculation of complicated labor through monetary surrogates and commercial money. The Soviets set the value-through-labor theory against political economy. Socialists designed the "social" and "working" issue and devised social policies. It is common knowledge that "social policy" was practiced only in Germany and the Soviet Union. The Soviets "corrected" the distribution relationship through government intervention in the economy. This gave rise to "social" or "working" legislation, and as a result - famine and poverty. As is well known, "cancellation of income as a guarantee of social equality" was a socialist law.
Capitalism is the hope of Russian people
Russia's people realize only too well that socialism and natural economy were national economy's undoing in the course of 74 years of the Soviet rule. The enclosed government-run economy under the Soviets was built on the principles of state socialism, the principles of government constituting all exchange values in the country, the principles of labor armies and labor duty. The death toll of people in the Stalin concentration camps was higher than throughout the 1941-1945 War.
The people of Russia are hopeful that capitalism in Russia is not long in coming.
Intellectual Enlightenment
People's rationality, on the one hand, and "the invisible hand of the market" (A. Smith), on the other, would complete Russia's transition to capitalism launched in the 1990s. Genuine enterprise of Russian capitalists would require the establishment of a solid bourgeois order in Russia, quite impossible without the generally accepted methods for the development of a capitalist "open society."
Russia possesses a host of public policy and political organizations targeted at enlightening Russian capitalists in the sphere of economic and political theory www.hayek.ru.
Enlightenment envisions popularizing new liberal methods employed by government agencies, assistance to liberalizing economy and public life at large, explaining the advantages of the capitalist order globally and in Russia specifically.
Towards openess and freedom
Enlightenment is an ideological component of a capitalist development in Russia and is targeted at shaping up bourgeois society. It is designed to render theoretical assistance to Russia's bourgeois parties in practicing neo-liberal economic methods. The neo-liberal policy deems critical the following steps - denationalization of industries and services, less government aid, introducing property qualification in the Russian Citizenship Act, in suffrage and all acting national legislation. Our aim is open domestic markets and free competition.
Russia's powers-that-be should implement democratization of property and do away with patriarchal industrial relations left over from socialism. The state should guarantee free labor market development, provide the succession to big private capital, put in place a judicial reform, adjust Russia's legislative base to those of industrialized nations, revisit all economic legislation to guarantee free and safe private capital flows, initiate amnesty of private capital. Private law should sanction excess of profit rates over labor value. Russia is drawing to a close its government-run privatization, introducing free competition for private operators and creating an investment-friendly climate. Russians should pass a restitution law in respect to all the generations of emigrants and bring emigrants back to their historic homeland.
International Capitalism Day
As of 2003 Russia jointly with the rest of the world celebrates International Capitalism Day. Capitalism Day's official document is the Bernstein Declaration.on the Principles and Possibilities of Capitalism, capitalism as a order based on individual rights of ownership, private property and individual freedom.
However, please do read the official position statement of the campaign in English or in Russian.
A positive future!
Russian people will learn to put on pageants to support democracy, their own creative potential and well-being, and find capitalism as a social order quite attractive. Capitalism Day in Russia will be held under the slogan of economic freedom, private financial success and prosperity both of the nation and the world at large.
Backing the capitalist principles, the Russian nation opens an immense market to the world to promote its commodities and services. We'll be happy to welcome new friends in a new Russia.
Worldwide rallies, concerts, debates, street parties, workshops, fun and festivities!

Celebrate Capitalism™


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